Long awaited updates

Since the last updates, I have used all my free time to study and learn 3D modeling using Zbrush and Maya, and have been working on a hyper realistic 3D model of myself. I also had a baby a few months ago that also took up even more time, so progress has been slow going lol! I’m currently updating my pages and creating a page for my projects progress.

Puptography is up

I have uploaded several photos of dogs, and puppies, under the new page Puptography. Through Puptography I intend to seek out more clients, to schedule private and public photo shoots for a low price!

Otherwise I have picked up more gear, and have been experimenting in other fields as well, such as astrophotography, and observational. I should have some of those up soon, check back to see!

Lastly, I am circling the drain on my new independent film, it is my best example of where I am at talent and skill wise with CGI, and film making. Hopefully it will be done soon!

It’s been a long time coming.

A lot has happened since my last update, and it’s about time for a update. I moved to south Seattle, and got a job for Seattle’s oldest camera shop at 99 years old. Working there I have learned a lot more about the technical end of photography, and have even been planning a film photo series.

Seattle is the perfect blend of big city, and mountainous forests. This area is located between the Olympic mountain peninsula, and the volcano Mount Rainier. So I have gotten the chance to take photos of this amazing area, and felt it was time to upload them all. I have also recently gotten a new telephoto L lens, that I tested out at the dog park up the street.

Lastly I am getting closer to finishing two projects, one is an independent film I have been making, and the other is a game that I have been building over the last few years.

Almost setup

I have the majority of the site up, but I still have many things to add. This has been a good start in preparation for finding a job. Over the next few weeks I will be adding and editing content, as well as some of my larger on going projects!